Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog 6- Privacy

I would say we definately give up our privacy today in order to keep our basic rights secured. It sound contradictory to give up privacy to keep freedom and other rights. Although we give up our rights, I do think it is necessary in order to stay safe . In all reality we don't have to worry about the government taking complete control. This is not a worry because in order for laws to get passed it goes through a lot of people, it's not an easy process so no one person has the power to "take over/away" our rights. "Big Brother" exists in scenarios like airport security but without this protection we could crumble because when things like 9/11 it takes an extremely long time for our country to get back on its feet. I think privacy still exists and if you are especially worried you can ensure this by filling out papers. For example, at the library some people have pop-ups that come up under their name saying the patron filled out a privacy paper so we are not able to release any information about that person. Other examples include HIPPA. HIPPA is a privacy act that ensures all people receiving medical treatment can be sure their information will be held private. I do realize there are cameras put everywhere but for the most part a lot of these cameras are not continuously being watched. In a lot of cases they use the after something has happened to find who did it. Overall I am willing to give up certain rights for safety, not all my rights of course, but definately some of them. 


  1. I would argue that if you give up any rights then you set a precedent that your rights aren't important. If you are okay with any rights being taken away in the name of security,then you are saying to your government, "I am okay if you take any of my rights away, so long as you do it in the name of security." The current state of privacy loss in America is annoying for me to see. These rights are being trampled on by the government and no one seems to care. These are the same rights that our entire country is based on. If we sacrifice any rights, eventually we will sacrifice all rights in the name of security. Being a patriot, to me, means protecting your rights from government intervention.

  2. You're right, in order for someone to take full control over our country they would have to persuade over 500 people. And that's not very possible because not everyone believes in the same things. I truthfully don't have a problem with airline security, yes it takes forever to get through, but they are doing their job and trying to keep us safe. And if it's needed to keep out safety then yes I could give up some of my rights..but definitely not all!

  3. I agree with you Tessa. We have already given up some of our freedoms for some security. As I see it, if we give up anymore freedom, do we have any freedoms left? I wouldn't think so. But also a response to your comment on my blog, you are certainly right that they aren't listening to every phone call we make. My guess is they don't listen to 2 percent of our phone calls. Who even knows how the depict who they listen. To me my freedoms are very important in this society. I feel that I live in a very powerful world that I should be able to have my freedoms and feel safe at the same time.

  4. I totally agree with you tessa. In order to be safe we need these different security measures. There are laws that protect our freedom, and the government will never comepletey take control over us. Our country will never get to the point where the government has complete control. The government has the ability to listen to every phone call, but they don't. They don't do this because not everyone is a threat. Good thoughts tessa
