Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog 6- Privacy

I would say we definately give up our privacy today in order to keep our basic rights secured. It sound contradictory to give up privacy to keep freedom and other rights. Although we give up our rights, I do think it is necessary in order to stay safe . In all reality we don't have to worry about the government taking complete control. This is not a worry because in order for laws to get passed it goes through a lot of people, it's not an easy process so no one person has the power to "take over/away" our rights. "Big Brother" exists in scenarios like airport security but without this protection we could crumble because when things like 9/11 it takes an extremely long time for our country to get back on its feet. I think privacy still exists and if you are especially worried you can ensure this by filling out papers. For example, at the library some people have pop-ups that come up under their name saying the patron filled out a privacy paper so we are not able to release any information about that person. Other examples include HIPPA. HIPPA is a privacy act that ensures all people receiving medical treatment can be sure their information will be held private. I do realize there are cameras put everywhere but for the most part a lot of these cameras are not continuously being watched. In a lot of cases they use the after something has happened to find who did it. Overall I am willing to give up certain rights for safety, not all my rights of course, but definately some of them. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog 5 - Choice #2

Many people would think living without a Feed would be awful but I think it was one of the best decisions I have made, despite not being given a job I deserved. I experienced being mistreated and not given certain opportunities but in reality if those are the people hiring me I would rather not work for them. Today as I walk through society I see how corrupted the people around me have become because of their feeds. They have been raised with the Feed in their head since the day they have been born. All they hear is all the great things the Feed can do for them but they've never experienced what they could do without the Feed. It is a shame what the Feed is doing to the people around me without them even realizing it. The language I now teach is considered dead and now all I hear is unit this unit that, meg this and meg that. People no longer know how to express themselves in words and think for themselves. Nobody reads or writes anymore it's all m-chatting and slowly but surely it'll all be dead. They have been raised with a blanket over their eyes and never given the opportunity to think or act how they want. Everything is supplied to them through the Feed hiding all the terrible things it actually does. I gave into the silliness and allowed my daughter to get a Feed and it ended with losing her. However, nobody will focus on incidents like this because the Feed has taken over their lives. Society is slowly dying just like the language and I'm glad I'm not dying with it. I'm one of the few without a Feed but one of the few that is experiencing what life is. For these reasons I am glad I don't have a Feed and just wish I would have never allowed my daughter to get one either.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Last Day =)

Today is my last day without technology and I am extremely happy. I have been productive with my school work while not having my technology but I usually am even with my technology. It's nice not having people constantly texting me since they know I can't text them back. However I am definately excited to get my phone back and have the option of watching television if I want to. I don't like feeling like I'm being punished/secluded by not being able to talk to people. I still get to hang out with people it's just hard making plans. Another thing I miss is talking to my family it seems like it has been two weeks not just one week. Normally my dad sends me short e-mails every other day and I usually call to talk to them for a little once a week but this week I haven't been able to do at all which was something I'm not used to. Regardless it is over and I'm glad. A few things I did while off technology is homework, sleep, take my friends' weiner dog for a walk, and went running.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Two more Days

Nobody knows where I am =P
Today is day 5 of the Thoreau challenge and I am ready for it to be over. As silly as it seems part of me feels like I'm being shunned because I can't talk to people that aren't right beside me. I really don't like it if my roommates aren't home and I'm not sure when they are getting back and can't ask them. I also don't like not being able to talk to my friends  that live across campus or find out what they're doing. Two times this week I did just drive over and stop by to talk to them but I don't always like to do this because I don't know if they're home. Not being able to talk to my parents when I want to also bothers me somewhat. These are the biggest problems I am experiencing with this challenge. I don't feel depressed or like my world is ending or anything I just miss being able to keep in contact with my friends when I want to. I would not want to take on this challenge if it lasted for much more than seven days. I don't completely hate this challenge because I kind of like that nobody can get ahold of me. At times it is nice being secluded and not talking to anybody but I don't like the fact I can't get ahold of others when I want. =P However I do think I won't be so attached to my phone after this challenge because I will  be used to not having it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 3- No technology

Today is my third day without technology and I find it extremely inconvenient. I do not have much trouble when it comes to no television or facebook. The only television shows I watch is Pretty Little Liars and Jersey Shore (because my roommates do). I'm sure Thurday will stink when my roommates watch Jersey Shore and I am unable to join but only 4 more dayss. However, I do not like giving up my phone only because it makes it difficult to make plans. For example the other day I had to drop my car off at the dealership to get fixed and my roommate and I were circling around the building trying to find eachother. This was annoying but I eventually found her. Giving up technology is definately a little harder than I expected. I didn't realize how often I used my phone for situations like meeting up to do things.

4 Days..... =(  
30 extra credit points =)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog #4

This shack does not look pleasant to live in but I think I could do it temporarily if I had to. I put emphasis on temporarily though because I do not think I would want to do this my whole life nor would I want to be there much more than a week.I think living in isolation, like Thoreau, would be extremely difficult. I have similar feelings about living in isolation as I do about living in the shack. They are both things I think I could handle for a little bit but not for a long time. If my friends would join me in the woods I would probably last longer than being alone. Spending time in the woods alone would be okay for a few days and may help me connect with myself. I think it is important to get away from our stressful society to take time and relax. One way I know my family does this is by going to our cabin which is a real cabin not like some peoples' where it is just a little off from their normal house.
My cabin has no running water or electricity. This picture above is my cabin. It isn't the nicest thing but that sort of makes it even nicer. When we go here we don't have to take our shoes off or worry about much. It is just a place to relax. Going to my cabin occasionally helps to clear your head and escape the constant business we face everyday. However, if I spent a long period of time alone in isolation I think I would be extremely lonely and sad. Being around people is one thing that makes me happy and that's why I don't think I would want to be in the woods alone for a long time period.

These are some of the picture from when I went home a few weekends ago and my family went on a walk at our cabin. Things like this are always nice because it allows us to relax.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blog #3- The Dumbest Generation"

I can understand why we may be referred to as the dumbest generation ever but I do not agree with it. I think our generation may lack on the basic knowledge of important events in the past or other general knowledge  but I think we excel in other areas. Today our generation has more pressure to learn more advanced things about technology and the medical field. Also our generation is forced to choose one major field and focus our education on that specific area. I really think that dumb is an opinion because really what determines whether you are dumb or not. If one person can solve outrageous math problems but can't change oil in their car or vice versa which person would be considered dumb?

 I don't know what makes this author feel like he has the power to say we are the dumbest generation ever. Is he really that intelligent to decide who in the world is dumb and who isn't?  I think each generation has its strengths and weaknesses but that doesn't mean that they are dumb. It is also a difficult thing to gerneralize people as a entire generation. It seems a little close minded to form an opinion about an entire generation. An entire generation is including a whole lot of people and forming an opinion of them as one group seems silly. I think technology may have had some disadvantages such as decrease in physical activity and obesity. However, it has also had some advantages like cures to diseases, availability to new resources, and much more. More so than not I think people in our society focus on all the bad things and forget about the good things.
I am not saying our generation is flawless, there are definately a lot of things that not only our generation should be aware of but everyone who lives in our country should be aware of. One of these things would be where the United States is located on a map and what our first amendment rights are. These are just two examples of basic knowledge that everyone in our country should be aware of because it benefits us as well as shows pride in our country.