Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog 9 - Books

I can't say that I am a huge reader but I definately think I would miss books. A few authors that I particularly like is Jodi Picoult, Meg Cabot, and Lurlene McDaniel. Some of the books written by these authors really made an impact on me and I'm extremely glad I read them. These books made me happy and sad and allow people to relate to them or realize how good life it. While we are on the topic if you're looking for a book to read I suggest one of these authors. I think kids would miss out on a lot of knowledge if books were taken away. In my daily life I can't say I frequently sit down and read a novel but WHEN I do I really enjoy that I have the option to do so. A world without books would be a sad world because many people use books as an outlet. Reading books helps some people keep a stable mind, release stress, look at the world differently, and does the same for the people who write them. Although books aren't something I read as often as I should I still really like them being around as an option to read.

I think we burn books everyday by not using them and instead turning to other references. I'm guilty as many others, to just turning to the internet as a resource instead of looking it up in a book. The less we rely on books the more it is like we are losing the need for them. By neglecting books as a reference we are burning books. Also, we tend to watch a movie instead of reading the book. By watching the movie it is like we are burning the book because we chose not to read the book and never will since we saw the movie. Things like this are how we "burn" books everyday. When you don't use something it is like they are there (or burned).


  1. Kids would miss out on a lot of their knowledge if they didn't have any books to read. Like Carson said we wouldn't know how to read anything if it weren't for books. My mom started reading to me when I was younger and I just got hooked, where would kids be now without them? They'd be a little confused with life I think.

  2. "They'd be a little confused with life I think." I agree with your statement Brittany, but to push it a step further, I think a lot of people (especially college kids) are confused with life. This can be attributed to a lack of reading, but even more than that would be the lack of learning, which results from not reading. So many life lessons can be learned by reading that you don't have to experience to learn. Learning from your mistakes is important, but reading books can give you foresight about life. Learning from other peoples mistakes that can be read can give people caution in their own lives to make the right decisions.

  3. I totally agree Tessa. I turn to the internet way to often instead of opening a book. By doing this, I believe we are "burning" books. It's bad to think of it like that but that's something many people do. But like Brittany said...My parents and grandparents used to read to me all of the time when I was younger. This taught me that it was a good thing to read and that it could make you smarter. Which I believe the more you read the better your vocabulary gets. But also with what Carson said, reading books can give you foresight about life which is a great thing we have and we shouldn't put that to waste.

  4. I agree with you tessa. I am not a big reader, but i would also miss books, because I have begun to become a reader a little bit. I like the lessons i learn from books. I also feel like I am getting more knowledgeable from reading more. There is a ton of knowledge out there to be learned and if we get rid of books we may not be able to learn valuable lessons. You can't really learn that much from a search engine.
