Looking back over this semester I think I've learned how to really "read" text. I think we've been shown to look below the surface and find the real meaning of what the author is trying to say. Much of what we discussed dealt with out current population and the thought we are lazy/unintelligent. I do agree with some of what we've talked about and sometimes the truth hurts but I can't say I think it is entirely true. A lot of the
I think I have learned to appreciate literature and see it's importance. Literature gives people a way to express themselves and makes the reader dig deep to interpret the writer's feelings. I think all the books we read this semester brought the problems in todays society to our attention. However I don't think we should be completely hard on ourselves and think we are useless. We definately aren't and are expected to know more and accomplish more and a shorter span of time then any previous generation. Our expectations are at a much higher level due to the inventions of technology. More is expected and if we don't accomplish all of it we are viewed as unsuccessful which isn't true. However these readings still pointed out the things we need to be aware of so they don't happen and we can improve the part of our population who does fit this category.