Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog #1 Introduction


My name is Tessa Gilson and I am currently a sophmore at Shippensburg. My major is exercise science with a minor in biology. When I graduate I plan to continue my schooling to become a physical therapist. I grew up in a small town called Mifflintown and went to Juniata High School. I only graduated with about 170 kids in high school.This is not close to Juniata college I am about an hour and fifteen minutes away from Shippensburg. I chose to go to Shippensburg because it is fairly close to my home town and because it was one of the most reasonably priced colleges. I enjoy sports and doing things outdoors. In high school I played basketball, soccer, and softball. I also hunt and enjoy fishing on occasion.

 I took this class as a gen. ed. and chose this one in particular because I had Dr. Mortimore for WIFYS and liked how her class involved discussion instead of a boring lecture class. I honestly can't remember the last book I read not because I don't enjoy reading but I don't make time in my day to do so just  for fun. I normally only read when it is assigned for classes which keeps me pretty occupied by itself. The last book I read was for my World History II class and I don't even remember the title. In my other english class (WIFYS) I enjoyed the books we read because they were easy reads and kept my attention. Reading literature probably isn't my favorite thing to do but it doesn't bother me. I think literature can be anything that is stating someone's feelings, opinions, or telling a story.

I don't really follow any television show religiously but sometimes I watch pretty little liars and desperate housewives. I do enjoy movies and two that I am very excited to see include "No Strings Attached" and "Just Go With It." I mostly like funny, romatic, or action movies. However I do not like scary or sad movies.
 I'm fairly open with types of music I like anything from rap to country music.


  1. I just recently seen No strings attached with my girlfriend kayla and a few friends! it was really great! you have to see it! I look forward to knowing you better this semester

  2. I want to go see "No Strings Attached" too, it looks like it'll be a cute movie. I don't like scary movies either but some how i just always watch them anyways. It's kinda a bad habit of mine lol.

  3. Hey Tessa, I think its awesome that you fish and hunt. I feel that there is a lack of people who enjoy the natural world anymore. My interactions in nature revolve around fishing, camping, hiking, and backpacking more then hunting, but I have been hunting a few times before.
