Looking back over this semester I think I've learned how to really "read" text. I think we've been shown to look below the surface and find the real meaning of what the author is trying to say. Much of what we discussed dealt with out current population and the thought we are lazy/unintelligent. I do agree with some of what we've talked about and sometimes the truth hurts but I can't say I think it is entirely true. A lot of the
I think I have learned to appreciate literature and see it's importance. Literature gives people a way to express themselves and makes the reader dig deep to interpret the writer's feelings. I think all the books we read this semester brought the problems in todays society to our attention. However I don't think we should be completely hard on ourselves and think we are useless. We definately aren't and are expected to know more and accomplish more and a shorter span of time then any previous generation. Our expectations are at a much higher level due to the inventions of technology. More is expected and if we don't accomplish all of it we are viewed as unsuccessful which isn't true. However these readings still pointed out the things we need to be aware of so they don't happen and we can improve the part of our population who does fit this category.
I agree with you on that one I think we've all learned to read more into books. I would have to slightly disagree I think that one day our world will probably be over taken by technology. People are trying to find better and newer ways to go about doing things without actually having to do them. There is even a vacuum cleaner that goes by itself, it might not be totally all technology but I think there will definitely have different ways of technology.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you for the most part. All the books we have read are cautionary tales about what our world might look like if we let our current activities get out of hand. I do not think we have reached the point where we are losing our civilization because of people not reading or using technology too much. When you said, "we can improve the part of our population who does fit this category." I had to disagree. I feel like you can't help anyone who doesn't want help. There are a lot of ignorant people out there and, if they don't want help, there is nothing any of us can do. Just the same, if you really do want to change you have to do the work to make it so because no one else will do it for you. Oh, and nice book!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about how I will now read into books more. But I think as long as we keep giving out classes like this, we may be able to stop technology from taking over this type of life that we have. This life is books! And if we don't burn books we may be able to stop technology from taking over our society and world. I do believe at some point technology may over take everything especially books. And this class has made me think, we really do need books.
ReplyDeleteI will agree with you that we are all more into books, but i will disagree with you on your statement about technology not taking over us. We keep continuing to develop and develop and it is going to devour us at some point. We should calm down with all this advanced technology if we want to keep the use of books out there. I believe if we stop burning books now that we can stop technology from taking over. The way the world is going i really doubt that that will happen. I have also realized from this class how much we really do need books, and i am going to do my best to read more and not burn books in the future.